Friday, March 16, 2007

The Middle of a Storm

The title of this post could refer to the snowy sleet that has been falling since around 9 this morning. But it actually refers to what life is like for a CPA during the second week of March. I got a little peek of spring when I received this gift from my in-laws this week. Thank you Suzan and Nelson for the beautiful flowers on my desk!


Unknown said...

Breathe in, breathe out...

The flowers are so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

well, I am also a CPA who knits and just saved your flowers pic as my desktop--now I have pretty flowers on my desk (hey, I should show my kids/husband your blog to push them into action!!! nothing like REAL flowers, especially when we had a snowstorm all day yesterday and it is quite white out there as the view from my home office.

Hang in there--only another month and we're FREE!!!!!!!!!! (relatively speaking, of course)

I'll be finishing a cashmere sweater just in time for SPRING...oh well, I can wear the first chilly day in October.