Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I Almost Forgot

How hard it is to go into a yarn shop and not buy anything!
This morning's walk included a premeditated visit to the LYS here at the beach, Knitty Gritty.
While the shop carried quite a few yarns available elsewhere, (i.e. Plymouth Encore and Cascade 220) I did manage to find one or 2 things (oops, just looked into the bag, there are 4 items!) that I could use.

Sock yarn still doesn't count as stash, right? I bought a skein of Cherry Tree Hill Supersock yarn in Earth. I have enough sock yarn to make a pair for just about all my relatives, but I'm sure I don't have yarn in this pretty red/brick/blue colorway!

(Day 2 of writing this post - my eldest daughter and her little brother arrived to visit yesterday and we went to the beach and the boardwalk. )

I also found a basket full of Lantern Moon Sox Stix in a basket at the checkout counter. Clara (from KR) had written a review on these needles ( go here to read). Who could resist these rosewood DPN's in the pretty bag?

Well, that's about it, except for the Size 1 Addi Turbo Lace needles, and the darning needles in the clever container (I did need something to hold my needles - they were always getting away from me.)

It's a beautiful sunny day here at the beach. A little warmer than the last few days, but there is always the ocean to cool me off. Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Ah! Is that relaxation I hear in your post? NICE!

Hey, that new Cherry Hill sock yarn sounds like the perfect colorway for me!!

Glad you are having a good time. Hope to see you soon. What are you doing the 21st?

rho said...

That is right - sock yarn doesn't count - or I would be in trouble since that is what makes up the bulk of my yarn :D

maniacalmultitasker said...

Hi ya Cindy!
Long time no post!
Good to see ur busy at your new blog!
(I know I'm behind times as usual!)